
Cecille Speckmaier

Frontend developer based in Germany

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a foto of Banh mi Sandwich

A landing page for a favorite food: The Vietnamese Sandwich - Bánh mì

The basic HTML elements tags such as headings p, div, span, strong, em, br, hr, a, img, and button were used. The CSS properties such as margin, padding, font-size, font-weight, color, background (with linear-gradient), line-height, box-shadow, border, and transition were also used. Simple Java script functions such as let, if, else, alert, prompt, and event listeners were applied to this landing page.

Art Gallery on the Wall

This SheCodes Basics Add-on project uses JS functions such as toggling between Dark and Light Themes. The responsive elements were not yet applied to this project as this one was one of the first projects. The CSS Background & Transform Properties, Positioning and Grids were used to present the Artworks as a Gallery.

An app showing the different weather forecasts for the cities in the world

My Weather App - with one week weather forecast

This was a SheCodes Plus Project that uses the Weather API and several JS functions such as Date, Forms, Math, Arrays, Objects and Loops. The goal was to develop and set the correct JS functions parameters and returns.

A website featuring travel site: Bishkek

My Travel Project

This was a SheCodes Project that uses grid and background transparency. It is an exercise on how to add foto and video links into the grid. The goal was to develop a travel website in order to promote a certain country.

World Clock Timezone Project by CMS

World Clock App - Know the correct time zones in one click.

In this project, the developer tool such as Bootstrap was also used to enhance the CSS. Web hosting in platforms such as Netlify and GitHub was also included in this project. Vanilla Weather Search and API Integration were employed to develop this simple World Clock App for pre-selected cities.